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Quest:Righting the Wrongs of Trum Dreng

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Righting the Wrongs of Trum Dreng
Level 66
Type Solo
Starts with Guto
Starts at Trum Dreng
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [76.9S, 20.8W]
Ends with Elder Riagán
Ends at Lhan Tarren
End Region Dunland
Quest Group Dunland: Trum Dreng
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

You have softened them up, and now they are ready to be defeated. Let us drive these trespassers from Trum Dreng once and for all. This feeble army will think twice before troubling the Stag-clan again!

'What do you say to that?'

WARNING: This is a solo instance and cannot be completed in a fellowship.


Guto is eager to drive the half-orc and Dragon-clan trespassers from Trum Dreng once and for all.

Objective 1

Guto is at his encampment, south of the watchtower.

You should talk to Guto again when you are ready to begin your assault.

Guto: 'So, you will do it? You are ready to fight off these foes? Our blood may spill, but it will be Dragon-clan that burns and White Hands that are severed!
'Follow me, my friend!'
Complete the Instance: Righting the Wrongs of Trum Dreng quest